Plant toxin poisoning is the biggest danger to our goats. Lantana is the main (but not only ) culprit. We have just had a major poisoning with our weaners for this year. Out of twelve that were poisoned, we lost 5 weaners around 17 weeks old.
There are a number of early signs to let us know that they have eaten too much lantana. Madonna, one of the girls who didn't go down with poisoning while the others were down, decided that she needed to catch up.
I noticed her in the shed after the others had left. Her eyes were so puffed up, she looked like a preying mantis. Sometimes they also have a swollen nose and mouth.
Initial treatment is between 100-150g of activated charcoal mixed into a slurry and syringed down her neck. Her eyes were swollen for about 3 days. She followed the herd outside until her eyes went down, then the photosensitivity kicked in.
Three Days Later.......
Her eyes have gone down and so far she has still been out and eating. We are taking her out early morning and late afternoon, just on sundown. She has good quality hay and some lucerne to eat during the day while she is in the shed.
So far, so good.